Robert Watson

Under construction forever (last update June, 2019)

LinkedIn: All Star

Stack Overflow: Top 10 Percent

The tech industry's constantly evolving best practices and cutting edge IDEs are an unstoppable wave of expanding creativity and productivity for all of us.

My experience boils down to solving problems on whiteboards, sketch pads, in apps or websites, on servers or in databases, or in creative suites -- wherever the solution is the most concise, the most viable and the most in step with constantly evolving best practices.

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Mapbox + React

Mapbox Styles for Traffic, Incidents, and Custom Realtime Data Sources

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Connected Car iOS App

Swift with various background modes, hotspot, Media Downloads, and IoT features.

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Connected Car Device Modular Screen Mockups

Interactive realtime mockup development with team via Adobe XD

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Connected Car App UI/UX

Whiteboard Mockups, Interactive Realtime Mockup Development with Team Via Adobe XD

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Game Server API

Secure User State management via Node JS, Scalability via Nginx and Chef

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Geospatial App Discovery API

Solr geospatial search tooled for high performance

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Location-Based App Discovery iOS App

Objective C social network app

Essential tech/skills for this project:

App Store Vendor and App Tracker iOS App

Objective C Apple Enterprise Partner Feed App

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Social Network App Checkin Sharing iOS App

Objective C social network app

Essential tech/skills for this project:

App Discovery Website

PHP Zend and JQuery social network web app and developer portal

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Mockup, Static Website, and Photography

Sweater girl. Nulla rutrum, turpis ut maximus ornare

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Mockup, Static Website, and Photography

[Retro] Robert Watson Portfolio. Nulla rutrum, turpis ut maximus ornare

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Style Guide And Manual

Kindershield. Nulla rutrum, turpis ut maximus ornare

Essential tech/skills for this project:

CMS Templates

Kindershield, Nikken University, Milagro Grill, Neil McDaniel, Klemmer, Executive Series, Classic Events

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Style Guide

Nikken University. Nulla rutrum, turpis ut maximus ornare

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Illustration And Web Assets

Bruce Boris.

Essential tech/skills for this project:



Essential tech/skills for this project:

Interactive Video Installation / Performance

Modul8 for VCRt.

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Award-Winning New Media Art Installation / Performance

Urban Drawing V1 using Pure Data. Also published in book and interview. Plus award.

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Adobe Flash Site

Classic Events.

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Adobe Flash Site

Joanna Rees.

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Command Line Artwork

Literature Processor using Java.

Essential tech/skills for this project:

Home Made Artwork

Illustration made using custom paint program built in Assembly.

Essential tech/skills for this project: